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Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I choose to work for AMETEK Power Instruments?

There are many reasons why you should work for us; one of the main reasons is the exciting opportunity to make a difference in your area of professional expertise. Our team spirit, the chance to take on new responsibilities and widen your expertise will enable you to see the actual results and reward of your efforts. At Power Instruments you are encouraged and challenged to grow professionally while being supported to live a balanced personal life.

Can I send you my Resume/CV by email?

We strictly adhere to data privacy laws and regulations, we are not allowed to store any applications (resumes, CV, diplomas, etc.) out of our applicant tracking system. We kindly ask you not to send any applications or unsolicited job applications by email or via our online contact form. We will not review or respond to any applications that come through email or our online contact form. To view our current job openings, visit our job openings page and click the position title to learn more about the job and apply through our application portal. 

How long can I expect to wait for a response to my application?
Our careers team reviews applications as quickly as possible, however please note that we want to carefully review each application. Therefore, it can sometimes take longer than we would like before we get back to you with a response – this can take up to several weeks in some cases. We promise that we will get back to all applicants with a decision as soon as we can. Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.

What are the next steps when I have applied?
If you are considered for a position, a member of our careers team will contact you by telephone or email to schedule an initial telephone interview. If you have been selected for an interview after that, you will get invited for a follow-up interview (face-to-face interview, Skype Interview, etc.). 
During the interview(s) you will meet the key people in relevant work areas as well as HR professionals. You will have an opportunity to receive important insights and get a feel for the culture of Power Instruments. The job interview(s), and in some cases, assessment exercises, are based on Power Instruments’ core competencies, representing the fundamental requirements necessary for high performance in each role across the organization. 

What is the AMETEK Power Instruments privacy policy?
You can view our privacy policy here.